Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Busy little Bee!!!

Yes, this summer/fall has been insane for me. I was going through a lot in regards to home and personal life and I feel as if I'm back on track. So much so in fact, that I am finally opening the official "Copper Caravan" shop on Etsy! I know, I know. There are many of you who are saying "It's about time!" and I'm glad that you're excited for me. :)

So far it's just an empty shop, but I'm in the process of coming up with a logo and banner and getting some items made for inventory. It's going to be a couple weeks yet but I just wanted to throw an update out there. I'm really excited and hope that in time I will be able to use the added income to realize another one of my dreams. Please stay tuned for more info on all fronts!! :D


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