Monday, December 14, 2009

Sew what?

Lately I've been in the mood to sew. I've been thinking about what kind of gown to wear for the 12th Night Feast coming up in January and it got me to thinking of my garb. I need something new for sure, I'm thinking Tudor maybe. I really need to finish drafting the pattern for my mid 1500s gown. If I can get that completed it'd be lovely. I already have the fabric for my chemise and petticoat. I wish there were somewhere local that sold more period type fabrics for the gown and kirtle though. I hate having to try and purchase yards and yards of fabric online, without the benefit of seeing it in person first. There's a lot of hand sewing to do too. I just don't know if I'd have the time after the holidays to finish properly and have it as perfect as I'd like it to be. We'll just have to see though. :)

In the meantime here's a gown I made for faire this past summer. Nothing even remotely period about it but it's for faire so it doesn't matter too much. Faire is my outlet for just playing dress up anyway and luckily at GLMF anything goes! :-D

Brittney found this fabric at Joann's and we were both instantly in love with it. She bought the red and tan version and I nabbed up the blue. That very night we went back to her house and whipped a couple gowns.

This one is pretty versatile. It can be worn as shown or open for more of a "coat" look. I wore it like that for Halloween and completely butched it up for a pirate outfit, knee high boots, dagger and all!

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